1,620 research outputs found

    Intellectual Capital and Performance in Higher Education Organizations

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    This paper intends to explore the relative importance of different Intellectual Capital (IC) dimensions regarding their contribution to the perceived performance of an Higher Education Organization (HEO). It also seeks to discuss the role of IC and performance measurement in these organizations. This is done through a case study conducted in a Portuguese HEO. The particularities of this type of organization turns it into a very interesting empirical ground for IC research. Evidence suggests that although human, structural and relational capital should contribute as a “whole” to the performance of an HEO, human resources have an added importance as source of knowledge. Results also suggest an ‘overlap’ between IC and performance indicators. Despite the validity of the interpretations provided in the context of the case study, generalization to other situations should only be conducted in a theoretically framed manner. This paper contributes to the development of IC research in a specific type of organization: an HEO. This empirical context is still underexplored, namely regarding the relationship between IC and performance. This study provides important managerial implications for HEOs and their members, who are concerned with its performance and competitiveness

    Intellectual Capital Change Management in the Construction Industry—The Case of an Inter-Organisational Collaboration

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    Nowadays, due to the complexity of the relationships with external entities, along with the importance that traditional media and the innovative social media have in creating competitive advantages, it is necessary for companies to collaborate in order to create Intellectual Capital (IC). Although collaboration is crucial to create IC, there is a paucity in literature regarding the effects that a specific type of collaboration may have on the IC of an organisation, specifically a franchising with a mediatic actor. Moreover, literature addressing IC creation and destruction over time is scarce, especially when applied to the construction industry. This paper’s goal is twofold: understanding the longitudinal changes of a construction SME’s Intellectual Capital, regarding its creation and destruction; analysing the impact that a specific inter-organisational collaboration franchising—with a mediatic actor may have on such IC. A single in-depth case study was conducted, allowing to conclude that the actions of an organisation can develop both Intellectual Assets and Intellectual Liabilities. It was also concluded that inter-organisational collaboration, through a franchise with an actor with experience in communication, can generate, in the long term, positive and innovative effects regarding the different IC components, namely the Relational one. More specifically, the paper allowed to ascertain that an organisation’s IC changes over time in a dynamic fashion, i.e., Intellectual Liabilities which emerged before an innovative collaboration can be transformed into Intellectual Assets and create competitive advantages. This paper contributes to stress the importance of managing IC, not only when it is created, but namely in when it can be destroyed, in a context of inter-organisational collaborations applied to a construction SMEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dissemination of social accounting information: a bibliometric review

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    The discussion in recent decades about sustainable development issues has given rise to a new accounting dimension: social accounting. Currently, this issue remains an emerging theme. Although there are some studies and literature reviews, none include disclosure of social accounting information or the analysis of research paradigms. This article reviews the research on social accounting disclosure and tries to answer the following research questions: What research streams have been followed? Which theories and research paradigms have been used? The search for articles to be included in the literature review was performed through the Web of Science. The 126 articles obtained were later analyzed using Bibliometrix software. Results expose the growing interest in this theme and identify three distinct research lines (three clusters): Cluster 1—Social accounting disclosures, Cluster 2—Legitimacy vs. disclosure of social accounting, and Cluster 3—Motivations for disclosure of social accounting. The main contribute of this article resides, on the one hand, in the fact that no literature review articles have been found that include the theme of the disclosure of information on social accounting and, on the other hand, the treatment of data has been done with innovative software, an R package for bibliometric and co-citation analysis called Bibliometrix. As well as mapping the literature, another theoretical contribution of this study was identifying the main research approaches used in the studies. Within the paradigmatic plurality of social accounting research, the results suggest that social accounting research can also be critically addressed when addressing the sustainability challenges posed by climate change or carbon emissions, among many other aspects. This study is, to our knowledge, the first bibliometric review done about social accounting information disclosure.The work of the author Rui Silva is supported by national funds, through the FCT— Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04011/2020. The work of the author Cidália Oliveira is financed by NIPE (Center for Research in Economics and Management), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

    What is the value of entrepreneurial orientation on the network and performance? An examination in trade fairs context

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the network and exhibitor’s performance. The entrepreneurial orientation is seen as a highly competitive factor for the company, which can foster its trade fair business. Design/methodology/approach – A survey-based quantitative approach was adopted, including a questionnaire (n 5 362) applied to companies participating in trade fairs. To arrive at results, the study developed structural equations modeling techniques, using SPSS 24 and AMOS 20 software. Findings – The study demonstrates positive impacts of entrepreneurial orientation on network capability and consequent exhibitor’s non-sales performance and exhibitor’s sales performance. A conceptual model is presented. Research limitations/implications – The study was carried out mainly on Portuguese companies, restricting its generalization. In addition, the exhibitor’s performance was measured based on the exhibitors’ level of satisfaction and not on real sales results. Practical implications – The study offers a process which the results highlight such as innovativeness, proactivity, risk-taking, competitiveness and autonomy (dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation) as a mix of important ingredients for the exhibitor’s networking. The networking promotes intangible results (non-sales performance) that can generate sales (sales performance). Originality/value – The study is the first research to apply entrepreneurial orientation in the trade fair context and it also presents a relationship between non-sales performance and sales performance

    Effect of over the counter mouthwashes with and without alcohol on sorption and solubility of bulk fill resins

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    Composites sorption and solubility can be precursors of several chemical and physical processes, which lead to deleterious effects on the polymer structure. This study evaluated the effect of mouthwashes with and without alcohol on the sorption and solub

    Knowledge extraction from medium voltage load diagrams to support the definition of electrical tariffs

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    With the electricity market liberalization, distribution and retail companies are looking for better market strategies based on adequate information upon the consumption patterns of its electricity customers. In this environment all consumers are free to choose their electricity supplier. A fair insight on the customer®s behaviour will permit the definition of specific contract aspects based on the different consumption patterns. In this paper Data Mining (DM) techniques are applied to electricity consumption data from a utility client’s database. To form the different customer®s classes, and find a set of representative consumption patterns, we have used the Two-Step algorithm which is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. Each consumer class will be represented by its load profile resulting from the clustering operation. Next, to characterize each consumer class a classification model will be constructed with the C5.0 classification algorithm

    Desenvolvendo noçÔes espaciais através da cartografia

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    Developing Effective and Efficient care pathways in chronic Pain: DEEP study protocol

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    Background Pain affecting the face or mouth and lasting longer than three months (“chronic orofacial pain”, COFP) is relatively common in the UK. This study aims to describe and model current care pathways for COFP patients, identify areas where current pathways could be modified, and model whether these changes would improve outcomes for patients and use resources more efficiently. Methods/Design The study takes a prospective operations research approach. A cohort of primary and secondary care COFP patients (n = 240) will be recruited at differing stages of their care in order to follow and analyse their journey through care. The cohort will be followed for two years with data collected at baseline 6, 12, 18, and 24 months on: 1) experiences of the care pathway and its impacts; 2) quality of life; 3) pain; 4) use of health services and costs incurred; 5) illness perceptions. Qualitative in-depth interviews will be used to collect data on patient experiences from a purposive sub-sample of the total cohort (n = 30) at baseline, 12 and 24 months. Four separate appraisal groups (public, patient, clincian, service manager/commissioning) will then be given data from the pathway analysis and asked to determine their priority areas for change. The proposals from appraisal groups will inform an economic modelling exercise. Findings from the economic modelling will be presented as incremental costs, Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), and the incremental cost per QALY gained. At the end of the modelling a series of recommendations for service change will be available for implementation or further trial if necessary. Discussion The recent white paper on health and the report from the NHS Forum identified chronic conditions as priority areas and whilst technology can improve outcomes, so can simple, appropriate and well-defined clinical care pathways. Understanding the opportunity cost related to care pathways benefits the wider NHS. This research develops a method to help design efficient systems built around one condition (COFP), but the principles should be applicable to a wide range of other chronic and long-term conditions


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    Aquilo que parecia ser um dado adquirido, “Direito de brincar”, tornou-se na sociedade atual uma necessidade emergente, enredados, que estamos, na visĂŁo das crianças como futuros adultos produtivos. Neste artigo procuramos refletir acerca do brincar em contextos de educação de infĂąncia, revisitando algumas linhas de pesquisa que tĂȘm sido desenvolvidas por diversos autores, colocando em contra ponto os discursos vigentes e o seu compromisso nas prĂĄticas, pelos educadores de infĂąncia. Devemos olhar a criança atravĂ©s da lente dos direitos, direitos que emanam das suas necessidades, sendo o brincar uma delas.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Brincar; aprender; educação de infĂąncia.     ABSTRACT What seemed taken for granted "the right to play", became in today's society an emerging need. We see children as future productive adults. In this article we have tried to reflect about the play in childhood education contexts revisiting several research in the field of play and learning, and related this with the pre-school teachers pratices. We must view children through the lens of their rights. This rights proceed from their needs, and playing is one of them.   KEYWORDS: Play; learn; childhood education.     RESUMEN El “Derecho a jugar” que solĂ­a ser visto como garantizado en el pasado, en la sociedad actual se convirtiĂł en una necesidad emergente, atendendo al echo de que vemos a los niños como futuros adultos productivos. En el presente artĂ­culo, intentamos reflexionar sobre el juego en contexto de educaciĂłn infantil, basados en algunas lĂ­neas de investigaciĂłn de distintos autores, contraponiendo y reflejando sus prĂĄcticas. Debemos mirar a los niños teniendo en linea de cuenta sus derechos y sabendo que esos mismos derechos nacen de sus propias necesidades. Jugar es una de ellas.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Jugar; aprendizagem; educaciĂłn infantil
